Covering an area of 18,000m2, there are classrooms, laboratories, dining hall, workshops, sports fields and extensive playgrounds.
- First cycle Pre School building with digital whiteboards, psychomotricity classroom, playground with access from the classrooms, garden and a multipurpose classroom.
- Second cycle Pre School classrooms with digital whiteboards and interactive tablets.
- Primary, Secondary and Bachillerato classrooms with digital whiteboards and laptops.
- Thematic labs and classrooms: Biology, Physics, Chemistry, IT, Technology, Drawing, Painting, Music, Dance, Drama, Multipurpose
- Library
- Educational Psychologist Department
- Medical Service
- Dining Hall with a capacity for 1,000
- Outside Sports Areas: Six Basketball courts, Two hard surface football pitches
- Sports Hall
- More than 10,000 m2 of outdoor playgrounds.