Students who want to live in Spain and learn Spanish:
From our Brook House School in Bray, we organize an educational program for students between the ages of 15 and 17. Transition Year is the ideal time and the ideal age for students to take the opportunity to live in Spain and learn Spanish language and culture.
Without intermediaries, the program is fully organized by the educational institution Los Sauces, based in Bray, and is in continuous contact with the schools in Madrid and Galicia.
More info about our Spanish immersion program
The students who choose Madrid they will have the opportunity to live with families from our school, carefully selected by us, who reside near the schools where they will attend daily.
The students who choose Galicia (Pontevedra) they will live in our School Residence in Los Sauces Pontevedra, which is located in Galicia, in the northwest of Spain.
More info about our School Residence in Pontevedra
Ideal age | Study and live in Spain
Transition Year is the ideal time and the ideal age for students to take the opportunity to live in Spain and learn Spanish language and culture. For the best experience we recommend that the following guidelines be taken into consideration:
• You are aged between 15 and 17
• You have studied Spanish for a minimum of 2 years
• You have a good academic record
• You agree to adhere to the school regulations and code of conduct
• You are motivated to speak Spanish and are willing to adapt to a new culture and environment
Students who want to improve their English at our school in Ireland
In order to use language in context, pupils in 5th and 6th Primary, and 1st and 2nd Secondary should spend one month of the school year in our Bray Centre (Dublin), Brook House Los Sauces, using English as the sole language for learning with the Centre’s native speaker teachers .
Pupils stay with Irish families and classes are taught in small groups organised according to their language proficiency.
Pupils from school subsequent years have the option to repeat this experience in Ireland in July.