If you are between 3 and 12 years old you can enjoy the games and leisure activities organised by Colegio Los Sauces for you:
Popular games and sports.
Art workshops: music, handcrafts and drama.
English House
Aimed at pupils who because of their young age or for other reasons, decide not to travel abroad but are interested in an intensive English language programme.
Pupils have four class periods of 50 minutes (in small groups according to age and level), taught by either native speaker or bilingual teachers. Each session has different approaches and different teachers so that the experience is enjoyable and stimulating. One handcrafts session and one swimming lesson in our indoor swimming pool.
Pupils share learning with sports and leisure activities.
There is a school transport service for all these courses.
Revision courses
Every morning there are five class periods of 50 minutes revision classes. All these classes are in small groups organised according to subject and school year.
Pupils families receive weekly progress reports and there are weekly tests in each subject.
Courses in Pontevedra
There are summer courses in July and August with the option to stay at the School Residence in our Pontevedra School.
During the month of July there are summer courses in our school in Ireland, open to students from other centres.
Grupos reducidos según nivel y edad, los cursos se estructuran en cuatro semanas intensivas de inglés con veinte clases a la semana, además de un programa de actividades deportivas, sociales y culturales, todas ellas en inglés.También existe la posibilidad de acudir una quincena.
Los alumnos se alojan con familias cuidadosamente seleccionadas para que la inmersión lingüística sea total.
Al final de su estancia, los alumnos, opcionalmente, realizan el examen oral del Trinity College London, por el cual reciben un certificado que avala su nivel de conocimientos en inglés.
More information here.